Embark on the inspiring journey of Q5iD, Inc., a visionary company that emerged in 2019 with a mission to safeguard individuals and unite families. Despite the setbacks caused by COVID-19, CEO Mr. Larson's unwavering determination led Q5iD to develop innovative products like PROVEN IDENTITY and The GUARDIAN APP. Backed by celebrity spokespeople, Q5iD launched a powerful media campaign with a $200 million partnership, while securing substantial funding from various sources. Witness Mr. Larson's efforts in proposing crucial changes to child protection laws, garnering support from influential figures and youth organizations. Experience their remarkable evolution, resilience, and commitment to a safer future in this captivating story.

Studio Videography and Video Editing for creating robust national marketing campaign launching the Guardian Missing Persons Protection Q5id App.

Cinematography, video editing and animation design.

Video Editing and Animation Introducing the KYE by Q5id Identity Theft Protection App.